TM 11-6660-200-14
To be sure that the wind measuring set is always ready for use, it must be inspected at definite intervals so that defects
may be found and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure.
The Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) procedures are required to keep your equipment in good
operating condition. They include (B) before operation and (W) weekly checks.
Perform both the (B) and (W) checks if you are the assigned operator and have not operated the equipment since the last
weekly check, or if you are operating the equipment for the first time. Do not assume they have been done.
If the equipment fails to operate, refer to the operator's troubleshooting procedures (para 3-2). Refer
to DA Pam 738-750 as a guide to forms and procedures used for reporting problems.
If the equipment must be kept in service continuously, check and service only the things that can be checked and serviced
without disturbing operation.
Routine checks like equipment inventory; cleaning components; checking for frayed and damaged cables; storing items
not in use; checking for loose hardware, nuts, bolts, and screws; and checking for corrosion on receptacles and
connectors, are not listed in the PMCS table. You should do these things any time you see they need to be done as a
matter of good preventive maintenance. If you find a routine check in the PMCS, it was listed because other operators
reported problems with this item.
The ITEM NO. column in the PMCS table is to be used as a source number for the TM number column on DA Form 2404,
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, for recording PMCS results.
The ITEM TO BE INSPECTED/PROCEDURE column lists the portion of the equipment to be inspected and contains a
brief description of procedures to be followed to check equipment.
The EQUIPMENT IS NOT READY/AVAILABLE IF: column contains criteria that will cause the inspected portion of the
equipment to be classified as not ready or available for use because of its inability to perform its assigned mission.
Always keep in mind the warnings and cautions while performing the PMCS procedure or any routine checks.