Chapter 1. INTRODUCTIONFigure 11. Meteorological Station, Manual AN/TMlQ-4, using visual means of collecting meteorological data.Section Il. DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 12. Electronic observation of upper atmosphere.Technical Characteristics - TM-11-6660-218-120009Technical Characteristics (Cont)Chart of Weights and MeasuresCommon NamesDescription of MeteorologicalFigure 1-4. Surface Observation EquipmentFigure 1-4. Wind potting equipment (less) timer and DA Forms)Figure 1-5. Communication EquipmentFigure 1-6. Balloon Inflation Equipment (less bracket assembly and water can)Figure 1-7. Balloon Equipment and AccessoriesFigure 1-8. Anemometer.Figure 1-9. Barometer ML-102-E.Figure 1-10. Barometer ML-102-D.Figure 1-11. Head and chest set.Figure 1-12 Psychrometer.Figure 113. Plotting board.Figure 1-14. Rule Figure 1-15. Radiosonde Set AN/AMT-4E.Figure 1-15. Telephone set TA-313/PTThermometers.Description of Minor ComponentsFigure 1-18. Thermometer and psychrometer ML-224.Figure 1-19. Balloon inflation and launching devices ML-534/UFigure 1-20. Timer.Figure 1-21. Calcium hydride charges Calcium Hydride ChargeFigure 123. Lighting unit MI-608/AM.Scales. Additional Equipment RequiredFigure 1-27. Zone eight scale ML-573 System ApplicationFigure 129. Gas regulator.Figure l-3O. Tripod.Items Comprising an Operable Meteorological Station, Manual AN/TMQ4Expendable Consumable Supplies and MaterialChapter 2. INSTALLATIONChecking Unpacked EquipmentSitingFigure 2-2. Typical packaging diagram, communication, surface observation, and balloon inflation equipments.Figure 2-3. Typical packaging diagram, ba!lon-launching, balloon-in flation, and wind plotting equipments.Installation of Equipment at Plotting Station Figure 24. Reel and jack hookup for communications.Figure 2-5. Grounding of Hydrogen generating equipment. (Part 1 of 2).Figure 2-5. Grounding of Hydrogen generating equipment. (Part 2 of 2).Chapter 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSBalloon Launching Site (Electronic Observations)Preparation of Pressure Time Chart DA Form 8959. Inflattion of Sounding Balloons Using Nozzle ML-196.Figure 31. Hydrogen generator set and bracket assembly mounted in water can.Preparation for Inflating Sounding Balloons with Gas Cylinders. Inflation of Sounding Balloon with Gas Cylinder.Surface, Visual, and ElectronicUpper Air Wind Direction and Windspeed Visual Observation).Release of Sounding Balloons (Electronic Observations).Section Il. METEOROLOGICAL DATA TECHNIQUESFigure 3-3. Zone wind plotting board.Figure 3-4. Plotting azimuth angle and horizontal distance. Use of Electronic Observation DataComposition of Radar FlightsStandard Artillery ComputerStandard Artillery Computer Meteorological MessageChapter 4. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCEOperator's Daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartOperator's Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartLubrication - TM-11-6660-218-120073TroubleshootingChapter 5. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCEOrganizational Weekly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartOrganizational Quarterly. MaintenanceSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR PROCEDURESAnemometer ML-497/PMDisassembly of Velometer M1.Section Ill. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENTPsychrometerChapter 6. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGEAppendix A: REFERENCES - TM-11-6660-218-120084Appendix A: REFERENCES (Cont)Appendix B: BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST (BIIL) AND ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LIST (ITIAL)Section II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAppendix C: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection II. Maintenance Allocation Chart Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart (Cont) - TM-11-6660-218-120090Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart (Cont) - TM-11-6660-218-120091Section III: Tool and Test Equipment Requirements TM-11-6660-218-12 Meteorological Station Manual AN/TMQ-4