TM 11-6660-218-12
b. Use. The equipment is used by field artil-
1-4. Purpose and Use
a. Purpose. Meteorological Station, Manual
AN/TMQ-4 is a transportable meteorological
equipment set. It includes equipment for mak-
the atmosphere, and to perform sound rang-
ing techniques. The information obtained by
for making surface observations of tempera-
these observations is used to make corrections
ture, relative humidity, dewpoint, vapor pres-
for atmospheric effects on the trajectory of
sure, atmospheric pressure, and wind direction
and velocity; and for determining ballistic
winds, density, and temperature.
enemy fire.
1-5. Technical Characteristics
a. Anemometer.
Note. Anemometer ML-497/PM is similar to ML-433A/PM. Information in this manual applies to both units,
unless otherwise specified.
Velometer ------- 0 to 8 1.5 knots. 0 through 40 2-0 knots.
Wind vane and
compass --__ ---0-360 11.25.
Mounting -------- Handle.
Velometer - - - - - - - - -0 to 8 1.5, 0 to 40 2.0 mph.
Wind vane and
compass - - - - - - - - - - -0-360 11.25.
Mounting - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Handle.
b. Barometer ML-102-(*).
Inches of mercury
range - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22-31.5 (ML-102-B,-E,-F).
Millibar range -------- 745-1,085 (ML-102-B,-E,-F).
745-1,065 (ML-102-D,-G).
Graduation intervals:
Inch scale -------.0.02 from 22 to 31, numbered each 0.1 inch ( ML-102B,-E,-F),
Millibar scale ----- 1 millibar, numbered each 5 millibars ( ML-102B, E, -F).
0.5 millibar, numbered each 10 millibars (ML-102-D, -G).
Reading position -- Vertical (models B, E, and F). Horizontal (models D and G).
c. Battery Pack BA259/AM.
Voltage -------------1.5- and 6-volt A-supply, 115-volt B-supply.
Operating life ------- 2 to 4 hours.
Type - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -- -- Water activated.
d. Calcium Hydride Charges ML-304A/TM, ML-305A/TM, and ML-587/TM.
ML-304A/TM --------- Generates enough hydrogen to
inflate a
30-gram balloon to
produce a
lift of 155 grams minimum.
AGO 8029A
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