TM 750-5-3
derived from a coded system of designations.
1. Scope
Charts I and II explain these designated codes.
a. This publication contains information and
Official nomenclature followed by ( ) is used to
data on US Army Electronics Command meteoro-
indicate all models of the equipment covered in
logical equipment. Additional publications of this
this manual.
series will be listed in DA Pam 3104 (Index
b. The contents pages list the type numbers of
of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply
the data sheets in this manual. With each change
Manuals (types 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bulletins,
published that adds or deletes one or more data
and Lubrication Orders).
sheets to the manual, new contents pages are also
b. The reporting of errors, omissions, and rec-
published to reflect the added or deleted items.
ommendations for improving this publication by
Users of this manual should make sure that all
the individual user is encouraged. Reports should
new contents pages are inserted as well as data
be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
sheets and that superseded pages are removed.
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct
Users should also check the latest edition of DA
to Commander, US Army Electronics Command,
Pam 3104 (with its latest changes) to be sure
ATTN: AMSEL-MA-S, Fort Monmouth, N.J.
they have the latest changes to this meteorological
c. For the reader's convenience an index has
2. Purpose
been provided, listing numbers alphanumerically
This manual is intended primarily for use by
under functional groups. New updated data index
personnel in US Army activities who are respon-
pages are also provided with each change and
sible for selecting (or recommending selection of)
should be inserted.
electronic equipments for application and use in
all types of military missions, in the field and in
4. US Army Type Classifications
design, development, procurement, maintenance
a. The type classification of an equipment is
engineering, and other related activities. It is not
highly significant in the selection of an equipment
intended to give complete design, operating,
for any mission and should be given appropriate
maintenance, and procurement information or
technical data. It includes only such of this
b. The status-type classifications of items of
information as will enable personnel concerned to
equipment covered in this manual are defined
determine which of the equipments listed (if any)
below. However, items which have not been
will be most likely to meet the requirements of the
assigned formal or official type classifications, but
mission. Details beyond the source of this
which, nevertheless, have been issued and are
manual may be found in the applicable technical
available for, or are in, current use are included.
(1) Standard A (STD A). A combat ac-
3. Organization of Content
ceptable item which will fill an operational re-
quirement and which is being produced in quan-
a. All data on any one equipment appears on
tity or could be produced to fill shortages.
one or more pages comprising a data sheet for
(2) Standard B (STD B). A satisfactory
that equipment. The type number appears in
item to fill an operational requirement but which
the upper outside corner of each page for that
is being, or has been replaced by a newer genera-
equipment. The data sheets themselves are
tion or series of items.
arranged throughout this manual in alpha-
numerical order by Joint Electronic Type desig-
(3) Contingency and Training (C & T).
nations ( MIL-STD-196). Type designations are
Items which are not acceptable f o r US