TM 11-6660-218-12
1-8. Description of Meteorological
S t a t i o n , Manual A N / T M Q - 4
a. Meteorological Station, Manual AN/TMQ 4
wind plotting equipment (fig. 1-4) , communication
1-7), and miscellaneous minor components that are)
required to obtain weather and ballistic date and to
assemble the equipment.
b. After assembly in the field, the met. station is
divided in two sites: the balloon launching site
1-2). The equipments located at each site are used
in a system that allows the operator to perform
visual observations in the collection of meteorologi-
cal data. The met. station can also be used in a sys-
tem in conjunction with Rawin Set AN/GM1) 1(*)
(rawin set) and Radiosonde Recorder AN/TMQ 5(*)
(radiosonde recorder) for electronic observation in
the collection of meteorological data,
descriptions of system application are given in
1-9. Description of Major Compo-
a. Anemometer (fig. 1-8). The anemometer con-
sists of a wind vane with a removable (cover, a
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