TM 11-6660-218-12
fastened to the case by separable
and a punch. The manifold consists of a steel
hinges and a fastener. A temperature
tube welded to a square, sheet-iron plate. The
correction and conversion chart is
plate has four holes for mounting four Hydrogen
located on the inside of the lid of the
case. A plastic window protects the
gether to permit the generation of hydrogen at
dial. The pointer of the barometer is
four times the rate of a single Hydrogen Gen-
erator ML-303/TM.
adjusted through an opening in the
d. Head and Chest Set. The head and chest
dial. This opening is protected by a
plug when adjustments are not being
made. The dial of the barometer con-
tains two millibar scales and a mir-
A 10-foot, rubber-covered cord leads from the
connection block on the chest plate to terminating
Plug PL-A7.
( 1 ) H e a d s e t . The headset consists of a
erator bodies mounted on a common manifold,
single receiver with a sponge rubber
two spare generator bodies, a packing case, hoses,
Figure 1-4. Wind potting equipment (less) timer and DA Forms)
Change 8