TM 11-6660-218-12
Figure 1-9. Barometer ML-102-E.
frame which is attached by means of
(2) Chest set. The chest set consists of a
a small chain to a wooden handle.
The thermometers are graduated in
tion block mounted on a flat metal
degrees Celsius from 37 to +46.
is mounted on the end of a curved
One thermometer (wet bulb) is cov-
metal arm. The arm is attached to
ered by a small cotton wick to hold
water and is mounted about 11/2
the chest plate by a swivel flange,
inches lower than the dry bulb ther-
and may be adjusted to any desired
mometer. Each thermometer is held
position by loosening a knurled
firmly in place on the frame with
thumbscrew at the base of the swivel
metal rings which encircle the top
and bottom of each glass tube.
(1) General. The psychrometer consists
(2) Scale graduations. The thermometer
scales are etched on the glass stem,
of two 9-inch, mercury-in-glass ther-
mometers of the same type (general
and graduations are in whole de-
or tropical) mounted on a metal
grees centigrade with numbered
AGO 8029A