TM 11-6660-218-12
Figure 1-12 Psychrometer.
to either one or two plugs, depending
13/8 inches wide, and V8 inch thick.
on the model of the radiosonde set.
Two pivot holes are provided for use
with balloon horizontal distance
(2) Modulator. The modulator is assem-
scales. The pivot hole located on the
bled in a white plastic container. The
upper side is used with the 1,700-
top of the modulator can be opened
yard scale. The pivot hole located on
to permit access to the sensor ele-
the lower side of the rule is used
ment. A door on the bottom of the
with the 1,100-yard scale.
modulator covers the battery com-
partment. A clip is provided to secure
Note. Rule ML-126A, when used in the
metric system, has a scale of 1 inch to 750
the transmitter to the modulator. In
some models of the radiosonde set,
this clip is replaced by a mounting
g. Radiosonde Set (fig. 115). The radio-
recess in the modulator door.
sonde set consists of a modulator and a
h. Telephone (fig. 116). The telephone con-
sists of Handset H60/PT, a panel and hous-
ing assembly, and Telephone Set Case CY-
closed in a plastic tube. One end of
1277/PT. Telephone Set Case CY-1277/PT
the tube is pointed and the other is
is equipped with a carrying strap and loops
closed by a removable cover. The
used to mount the telephone on a vertical sup-
port. The panel and housing assembly con-
and the modulator are brought out