TM 11-6660-218-12
points on the main frame. A tubular windbreak
j. Thermometers. (Fig. 118). Thermometers
assembly and a flexible canopy, extending the
are self-indicating, mercuryinglass type. The
entire length of the frame, protect the balloon
thermometer scales are etched in black on the
from weather during inflation and launch.
glass stem, and graduations are in whole degrees
centigrade with graduations numbered for each
with white, luminescent markings and luminous
multiple of 10 degrees. Each 5 and 10 interval
second and minute hands. A plastic case, 73/4
is marked by a longer line. Refer to paragraph
inches high, 6 inches wide, and 23/4 inches deep,
19e (1 )
for mounting of
spare thermometer tubes
houses the unit. Operating and adjustment con-
on metal frame. Thermometer tubes when
trols are located at the top and rear of the timer.
mounted on a metal frame will then constitute
A cover plate protects the speed regulator in the
Psychrometer ML224.
rear of the timer.
m. Gas Meter. The gas meter is designed to
launcher is a portable inflation device and launch-
ing platform designed to secure and protect me-
measure the volume of gas, in cubic feet, required
for obtaining the proper lift for meteorological
teorological balloons during inflation and launch-
ing. The launcher is 3 feet high, 6 feet wide, and
balloons. This meter is used when gas cylinders,
11 feet long when assembled. The launcher con-
containing either hydrogen or helium, are used to
sists of a canopy support, attached to a four-
inflate balloons. The gas meter can deliver helium
section tubular metal frame. Three pairs of legs,
gas at a minimum rate of 420 cubic feet per hour
with self-adjusting skids, are fitted to each pair
and hydrogen gas at a minimum rate of 600 cubic
of legs. An anchoring assembly is attached at five
feet per hour.
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