TM 11-6660-218-12
(3) slowly open the regulator valve on
tion cap and mark the tag with the
the gas regulator.
following notice:
(4) Inflate the sounding balloon slowly
This gas cylinder has a faulty cylin-
to avoid overinflation.
der valve and is at full pressure. Re-
(5) When the sounding balloon just lifts
turn the gas cylinder to supply for
the sounding balloon nozzle with the
necessary action.
required weights from the supporting
(3) Quickly open and close the cylinder
surface (para 3-2h), close the cylin-
valve to expel any dirt in the valve
der valve and the valve on the regu-
outlet and check to see that the cyl-
lator if a regulator is used.
inder valve is functioning properly.
(6) Remove the hose from the sounding
(4) Attach one end of Hose ML-81 to
balloon nozzle and allow the sound-
the gas regulator that will be used
ing balloon to float in the air. If it
with the gas cylinder. Use a hose
rises, release some of the gas until
clamp to fasten the ML-81 securely.
the sounding balloon floats motion-
Screw the gas regulator to the cyl-
less. If the sounding balloon sinks,
inder valve and tighten it with a
connect the hose to the sounding
balloon nozzle and add more gas.
Note. The gas cylinder and gas regulator
When the sounding balloon remains
have left-hand threads.
motionless in the air, it has the re-
j. Inflation of Sounding Balloon with Gas
quired lift.
(7) Place the fingers of one hand firmly
(1) Attach the free end of Hose ML-81
around the neck of the sounding bal-
loon and the sounding balloon noz-
to Nozzle ML-196, which is then se-
zle. With the other hand, lift the
cured to the sounding balloon. The
upper part of the neck and twist it
other end of the ML-81 is attached
completely once or twice. Grasp the
to the gas regulator.
twisted part with the fingers and re-
Warning: If the gas pressure is not
move the twine. Remove the sound-
indicated on the high-pressure gage
ing balloon from the sounding bal-
as soon as the cylinder valve is
loon nozzle.
opened, immediately close the valve
and remove the gas regulator. Replace
(8) Tie the sounding balloon neck se-
the valve protection cap. Apply a red
curely with twine.
tag to the valve protection cap and
k. Preparation of balloon Train.
mark the tag with the following no-
(1) Tie the sounding balloon line of the
radiosonde parachute to the ring in
the top of the radiosonde set.
This gas cylinder has a faulty cylin-
(2) If the sounding balloon is to be
der valve. Gas, under pressure, still
launched in winds less than 15 miles
remains in the tank. Return the gas
per hour, tie one end of a 60-foot
cylinder to supply for necessary ac-
length of a 100-pound, test nylon
cord, or 16-ply cord to the top of the
(2) Slowly open the cylinder valve on the
radiosonde parachute. The other end
gas cylinder.
is attached to the sounding balloon
Warning: Failure to open the valve
after the sounding balloon is inflated.
slowly may cause Hose M1A1 to blow
(3) If the sounding balloon is to be
off the gas regulator, cause possible
launched in winds which exceed 15
injury to personnel, and release gas
miles per hour, use Reel, Launching
into the inflation area.