TM 11-6660-218-12
Figure 129. Gas regulator.
12 ). A
sounding balloon is
inflated in
the infla-
or 100-gram pilot balloon is inflated in the inflation
tion device and launched from the balloon launch-
device and launched from the balloon launching
ing site after a radiosonde set and a radiosonde
site. Visual observations of the balloon are made
parachute have been attached to it. As the radio-
with the theodolite to obtain azimuth and eleva-
sonde set is lifted aloft by the balloon, signals
tion readings. If the observations are made at
emitted from it are received by the rawin set and
night, a lighting unit is attached to the balloon.
graphically recorded on the radiosonde recorder.
As the readings are obtained, they are relayed to
The signals are converted to information regard-
the plotting station through the head and chest
ing relative humidity, temperature, and atmos-
set. The readings are plotted on the plotting board
pheric pressure of upper level air. The rawin set
and converted to windspeed and wind direction
antenna, by tracking (following) the radiosonde
data through the use of various charts and forms
set, provides the rawin set control unit with
supplied with the met. station.
azimuth and elevation information, which is con-
b. Electronic Observation of Upper Winds (fig.
Change 8