TM 11-6660-218-12
o. Scales.
reel consists of a frame, a reel, a 60-foot cord,
and a governor. One end of the cord is attached
plastic, rectangular protractor, with a
to the reel. The eyelet in the frame is used to con-
center reference mark and a North-South
nect the launching reel to a pilot or sounding bal-
reference line. The pilot balloon scale has
loon. The launching reel is used as an aid in launch-
ing balloons when winds exceed 15 miles per hour.
divisions to measure the wind direction
to the nearest 10 roils when it is used with
Plotting Board ML-122.
balloon nozzle provides connection between the
is made of clear plastic, in a rectangular
during inflation; it is also used to weigh off the
flat shape, with two scales on the outside
balloon to its proper free lift after inflation. It has
a hose connection, a large injector for connection
edges, one in meters and the other in
feet, for height measurements. Three
to 30-gram pilot balloons, and a small injector for
scales are available in the middle, to
connection to 100-gram pilot balloons. It weighs
132 grams and has three auxiliary weights of 50,
measure the zone height thickness of the
70, and 443 grams. A handle controls the flow of
standard artillery zones when used with
Chart ML-574A/UM.
gas through the nozzle to the balloon.
Figure 125. Reel,
hand gage has a scale from O to 50 pounds per
p. Jack (fig. 2-4). The jack is a
two-way ex-
square inch and indicates gas release pressure.
tension jack enclosed in a phenolic shell through
which two external binding posts protrude. It
provides a connection between the wire in the
shroud is made of cotton duck and has a spherical
diameter of 61A feet. Four handles (not shown)
facilitate handling when the shroud is being used
to launch a balloon.
is made of brass and consists of a nipple connec-
three wooden legs and a threaded mount. A leather
tor, a standard thread connector, a regulator valve,
and two pressure gages. The right-hand gage has
strap holds the legs together when the tripod is
transported. The threaded mount is protected by
a scale from O to 3,000 pounds per square inch and
a protector cap when the tripod is not in use.
indicates supply gas cylinder pressure. The left-
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