TM 11-6660-218-12
ameter. The sounding balloons include
The ML-304A/TM produces 6 cubic feet
Balloons ML-537/UM and ML-635/UM.
(2) Calcium Hydride Charge ML305A/TM
is a dunk-type (water activated) battery which
is the same as Calcium Hydride Charge
supplies 115 volts, 6 volts, and 1.5 volts direct cur-
ML-304/TM ((1) above), except that it
rent for the radiosonde set.
contains approximately 11/2 pounds of
90-percent pure calcium hydride and is
63/4 inches high. The ML-305A/TM pro-
The average time for the battery to reach
full power is 20 minutes. The life of the
(3) Calcium Hydride Charge ML-587/TM
battery is about 4 hours.
is the same as Calcium Hydride Charge
ML-305A/TM, except that it contains
Should any corroded, pitted, scarred, or
approximately 21/2 pounds of 90-percent
broken ML-304A/TM, ML-305A/TM, or
pure calcium hydride and is 10 inches
high. The ML587/TM produces 42 cubic
ML-587/TM canisters be found, follow
feet of Hydrogen.
all steps as shown on the warning page
to render the canisters safe.
f. Water Can. The water can used with the met.
station is a standard, galvanized steel, 31-gallon
(1) Calcium Hydride Charge ML-304A/TM
inches and is 261/2 inches high. Two handles are
is an airtight metal can that contains
on the sides, and a galvanized steel lid (not
approximately 6 ounces of 90-percent
shown ) covers the top of the water can when it
pure calcium hydride. The can is 33/4
is not in use.
inches in diameter and 2 inches high. The
top of the can is recessed and is provided
assembly consists of a steel bar with a clamp and
with interrupted threads for attaching
the charge to the bottom of the hydrogen
adjustable hanger brackets. The clamp is located
at the center of the bar for attachment to the
manifold (fig. 3-1 ) of a hydrogen generator set.
a number of knockouts which can be re-
The adjustable hanger brackets allow the bracket
moved to allow water to enter the can.
Figure 122. Bracket assembly.
Change 8