TM 11-6660-218-12
2-1. Unpacking
a. Packaging Data When packaged for ship-
ment, the components of the met. station are
placed in corrugated cartons and are packed
in wooden boxes. An exploded view of com-
ponents packaged for shipment is shown in
figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. Box numbers, di-
mensions, and contents are shown in para .2-2 .
b. Removing Centents.
(1) Place the wooden packing cases that
contain the components of the met.
station close to the balloon launching
site since most of the components
are used at that location.
(2) Cut and fold back the metal straps.
(3) Remove the nails with a
Remove the wooden covers from the
packing cases and expose the corru-
gated cartons. Do not attempt to pry
off the wooden covers; the equipment
may become damaged.
(4) Open the corrugated cartons and ex-
pose the components wrapped in in-
dividual corrugated cartons.
(5) Open the individual corrugated car-
tons and remove the components.
(6) Move the anemometer, the barometer,
the psychrometer, thermometers, the
telephone, the timer, the plotting
board, scales, charts, and forms to
the plotting station site.
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
a. Check the unpackaged equipment for any
loss or damage that may have occurred during
shipment. If the equipment has been damaged
or is incomplete, refer to procedures given in
Figure 2-1. Typical packaging diagram, balloon
b. Check the equipment against the packing
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