TM 11-6660-218-12
c. A zone wind plot is constructed, and the zone
b. Eflective wind data for sound ranging is de-
and ballistic winds are determined as in the opera-
termined from the angular position of the sound-
ing balloon at designated time intervals with the
weighted values for the layers of the atmosphere
38. Preparing Meteorological Messages
The information for meteorological data, prepared
c. Sound-ranging data is recorded and evalu-
by the artillery metro system, will be forwarded
ated on DA Form 6-48.
by radio or teletypewriter using current artillery
message center procedures. Data for transmission
will be entered on Computer Message DA Form
a. Some artillery and air defense radars are
3677 or Ballistic MET Message DA Form 3675.
capable of determining the data required for com-
putation of zone winds; however, they should not
a. Artillery metro sections can produce the fol-
be requested to do so when the data can be ob-
lowing types of messages and data:
tained by other means.
(1) Ballistic messages, types 2 and 3.
b. Radar is used to determine zone winds by
(2) Computer messages.
(3) Fallout messages.
tracking a balloon-borne radar reflector. The
(4) Sound-ranging messages.
height of the radar is observed, and as the pilot
balloon reaches each zone limit, the values of time,
(5) Data for transmission to Air Weather
horizontal range, and azimuth are read and re-
(6) Low level winds for rockets.
Change 8