TM 11-6660-218-12
systematic care, servicing, and inspection of
4-1. Scope of Operator's Maintenance
equipment to prevent the occurrence of trou-
The maintenance duties assigned to the op-
ble, reduce downtime, and assure that the
erator of Meteorological Station, Manual AN/
equipment is serviceable.
TMQ-4 are listed below together with a ref-
erence to paragraphs covering the specific
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given
maintenance function.
systematic care and cleaning essential to
a. Operator's daily preventive maintenance
proper upkeep and operation of the equipment.
b. Operator's weekly preventive mainte-
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Serv-
ices. The preventive maintenance checks and
services charts (para 45, 46, and 4-7) de-
c. Operator's quarterly preventive mainte-
scribe functions to be performed at specific
intervals. These checks and services are to
maintain Army equipment in a combat serv-
iceable condition; that is, in good general
4-2. Tools and Materials Required for
Operator's Maintenance
(physical) condition and in good operating
condition. To assist operators in maintaining
a. Tools. Only Tool Equipment TE-33 is
combat serviceability, the charts indicate what
required for maintenance.
to check, how to check, and the normal condi-
b. Materials.
tions; the References column lists additional
(1) Cleaning Compound (Federal stock
information. If the difficulty cannot be reme-
No. 7930-395-9542) .
died by the operator, a higher category of
(2) Cleaning cloth.
maintenance of repair is required. Records and
(3) Fine sandpaper (supplied in Tool
reports of these checks and services must be
Equipment TE-33).
made in accordance with the requirements set
(4) Lens tissue. (Federal stock No. 6640-
forth in TM 38-750.
(5) Lubricating Oil, Instrument (OAI)
4-4. Operator's Preventive Maintenance
(Federal stock No. 9150-257-5449).
Checks and Services Periods
(6) Lubricating Oil, General Purpose,
( F E D VV-L-800) (Federal stock
Preventive maintenance checks and services
No. 9150-273-2389) .
of the met. station are required on a daily,
(7) Lubricating Oil, Watch (MIL-3918)
weekly, and quarterly basis.
(Federal stock No. 9150-252-6382).
a. Paragraph 45
specifies checks and serv-
(8) Cleaning brush (supplied in Tool
ices that must be accomplished daily and
Equipment TE-33).
under the following conditions:
4-3. Operator's Preventive Maintenance
(1) When the equipment is initially in-
Operator's preventive maintenance is the
AGO 8029A