TM 11-6660-218-12
maintenance is the responsibility of all cate-
5-1. Scope of Organizational Maintenance
gories concerned with the equipment and in-
The maintenance duties assigned to the or-
cludes the inspection, testing, and repair or
ganizational repairman of Meteorological Sta-
replacement of parts, subassemblies, or units
tion, Manual AN/TMQ-4 are listed below
that inspection and tests indicate would prob-
together with a reference to the paragraph
ably fail before the next scheduled periodic
covering the specific maintenance function.
service. Preventive maintenance checks and
services of the met. station at the organiza-
a. Organizational weekly preventive mainte-
tional maintenance category are made at
weekly, monthly, and quarterly intervals un-
b. Organizational monthly preventive main-
less otherwise directed by the commanding
c. Organizational quarterly preventive main-
b. Maintenance forms and records to be
used and maintained on the equipment are
specified in TM 38750.
5-2. Tools and Materials Required for
5-4. Organizational Preventive Mainte-
Organizational Maintenance
nance Checks and Services Periods
a. Tools.
Preventive maintenance checks and services
of the met. station at the organizational cate-
(1) Tool Equipment TE-33.
gory are required on a weekly, monthly, and
(2) Wrench TL-112.
quarterly basis.
(3) Hammer HM-3.
a. Paragraph 55
specifies preventive main-
b. Materials.
tenance checks and services that must be ac-
(1) Cleaning cloth.
complished weekly.
(2) Fine sandpaper (supplied in Tool
b. Paragraphs 56
and 57
specify preven-
Equipment TE-33).
tive maintenance checks and services that
(3) Touchup paint.
must be accomplished each month in addition
to the weekly organizational preventive main-
5-3. Organizational Preventive
tenance checks and services.
a. Organizational preventive maintenance
tive maintenance checks and services that
is the systematic care, inspection, and serv-
must be accomplished each quarter in addi-
icing of equipment to maintain it in service-
able condition, prevent breakdowns, and assure
tion to the weekly and monthly organizational
maximum operational capability. Preventive
preventive maintenance checks and services.
AGO 8029A