TM 11-6660-210-12
f. Reassembly of Velometer M1.
(1) Mount the velometer mechanism (fig.
5-2) on
backplate A97 and secure it
with Phillips-head screws H94.
(2) Assemble backplane A97, gasket A98,
and velometer housing 099. Secure
with four Phillips-head screws H95.
Note. Be sure that the tab of the zero-
(3) Place the washer (3) on the shaft of
slide range-selector knob A99 into
the side of velometer housing 099 and
screw it into the velometer mech-
Figure 53. Velometer mechanism.
vane, the wind vane rotates to the position in
5-16. General
Each of the units in Meteorological Station,
In this position, the tail of the wind vane is
Manual AN/TMQ-4 is designed to operate
parallel to the path of the air passing over it.
independently of any other unit. The readings
By turning the velometer case until the index
from each of the units are used together to
pin is aligned with the index line, the ane-
obtain the necessary meteorological data. The
mometer is placed parallel to the air currents,
detailed analysis for the majority of the com-
and the vent is fully exposed to them.
ponents of the met. station will be found in
the applicable technical manual (appx A). The
b. Compass. The compass consists of a card,
general functions of the anemometer, the psy-
bent into a circular form and mounted on a
chrometer, and the timer are given in para-
rounded support, which is balanced on a pivot.
graphs 517, 518, and 5-19.
Two magnetic needles, suspended on the un-
derside of the card support, are always aligned
5-17. Anemometer
with magnetic north when the anemometer is
held in an upright position. The card rotates
The anemometer consists of a wind vane, a
freely in an oil medium, and compass points
compass, and a velometer, which provide facil-
are marked on the outer surface. An index
ities for determination of windspeed and di-
mark on the glass compass cover (not shown)
is aligned with a marking on the card to give
a. Wind Vane. The wind vane is an airfoil
a reading of wind direction.
pivoted on a shaft on top of the velometer
c. Velometer. Wind velocity is determined
case. As a current of air strikes the wind
AGO 8029A