TM 11-6660-218-12
(5) Disconnect the head and chest set from
6-1. Disassembly
the jack.
a. Balloon-Launching Site.
(6) Disconnect the radiosonde recorder or
the receptor from the rawin set (if elec-
tronic observations were used).
theodolite case.
c. Between Sites.
(2) Disconnect the head and chest set from
(1) At the plotting station, disconnect the
the jack.
short piece of wire from the terminal
(3) Disassemble the inflation device; reverse
board on the side of the reel. Disconnect
the instructions given on the front cover
the jack from the other end of the short
of the inflation device.
piece of wire.
(4) Remove all ground stakes from the area.
(2) At the balloon launching site, disconnect
(5) If a rawin set was used, disassemble it as
the jack from wire connected between the
indicated in TM 6660-20612.
balloon-launching site and the plotting
b. Plotting Station Site.
station site.
(3) Wind the wire back onto the reel.
the handle.
6-2. Repacking
into its case.
The exact procedure for repacking the equipment
(3) Remove the rule (fig. 1A) from the plot-
used in the met. station, for shipment or limited
ting board.
storage, depends on the packing material available
and on the conditions under which the equipment
(4) Remove the telephone wire from the ter-
is to be stored or shipped. If materials are avail-
able, repack the equipment in the reverse order of
close the telephone case. Remove the bat-
teries from the battery compartment.
Change 8
6-1/(6-2 Blank)