TM 11-6660-266-13
2-6-1. Initialize the MARWIN Processor. Before the AN/TMQ-38 can be operated, the MARWIN Processor must
be initialized to mission requirements and local conditions.
To initialize the MARWIN Processor you must use the SYSGEN Processor program. This program allows
modification of the MARWIN Processor operating parameters. Only certain parameters within SYSGEN need to
be modified to local conditions. Changes within SYSGEN are not required if the operating conditions have not
changed from previous soundings and power has not been interrupted. Modification of parameters can be
accomplished before and after a sounding but not during.
When faced with an unknown set of parameters, InitRAM can be used to establish factory default settings as
shown in TM 11-6660-280-10. SYSGEN can then be easily reconfigured to local conditions from a known set of
parameters. After completion of initialization, the changes made within SYSGEN must be stored in temporary
In the procedures below, all references in parentheses refer to Section 3 of TM 11-6660-280-10. Section 3
contains step by step procedures for initializing selected parameters within SYSGEN.
To initialize the MARWIN Processor, proceed as follows:
a. Gain access to SYSGEN (pages 3 and 5).
b. Perform "InitRAM" procedures (pages 8 and 9).
c. Configure SYSGEN to mission requiremerits.
l In the "Flags" group, the first parameter displayed on the MARWIN
Processor screen, is the "Store data option" which is not shown in the
manual (Figure 6). Do not change this parameter.
l The default setting for "Ground check type" shown in the manual is
incorrect. lt should be shown as "Operator Select", not "Disabled".
d. Store changes in temporary memory (Figure 17).
2-6-2. Initialize the DCT. The DCT provides the Interface between the MARWIN Processor and the
communications network. Before operating, the DCT must be initialized to match the communications network.
To initialize the DCT, follow the procedures in TM 11-5895-1325-12 & P-8-1, paragraph 2-4.
2-6-3. Perform NAVAID Sounding. NAVAID soundings can be performed in either OMEGA/VLF mode or
LORAN-C mode. When operating in the OMEGA/VLF mode, three stations are required for accurate wind
computations. When in the LORAN-C mode, at least one master station and two slave stations are required for
In the procedures below, all references in parentheses refer to Section 4 of TM 11-6660-260-10. Section 4
contains step by step procedures for operation of the MARWIN Processor in the NAVAID modes.
To operate the AN/TMQ-38 in NAVAID mode, proceed as follows:
a. Select Preflight Sequence (para 1.2).